So I am starting my preliminary work for my next project which will be the War of Spanish Succession. I will build the armies using 10mm figures from Old Glory and mix in Pendraken where I need too. I have several rule sets that I am currently reading like these below:
Along with Polemos rule set "Chosen Men, well Disposed", Hoplight Research's "Ridiculous Vanity" and Piquet's "Field of Battle 2". So far after spending the past week reading rules I have narrowed down my options to "Beneath the Lily Banners", "Twilight of the Sun King" and "GaPa". I know and have played "Field of Battle" quite a lot and know it would work, but some members of the group are not taken with the rule set. Hence my other options above.
With my options in rules, they all state that any basing system will work. Well now I need to pick a basing system.
My top 2 picks all have some variation on using basing with a 60mm frontage with a different number of bases creating a unit. BLB uses 60mm for 25mm figures and needs 3 bases to create a unit. The 15mm figure size requires a 30mm frontage, still 3 bases creates a unit.
Twilight of the Sun King uses 60mm regardless of the size of the figures and 2 bases creates a unit. Also just as a side note the Polemos rules also use a 60mm frontage.
GaPa uses Paces as a unit of measurement and for the 15mm scale, 50 paces would equal 30mm. The number of bases then depends on the number of men in a unit. So a 600 man battalion is 150 paces or 90mm of Frontage.
Piquet uses 15mm figures on a 40mm frontage and 4 bases equals a unit.
Now having said all of this, it comes down to what looks and seems the best. So I have taken some photos of some of the troops on different sized bases and filled them up as to how I see the units. Take a look:
These two photos are 60mm x 30mm and can hold 3 ranks of figures. That to me looks like a nice size unit and gives the compact feel of the period. Too model a unit that fired by Platoon I could reduce the number of ranks to 2, just to give some visual interest.
These bases are 40mm x 30mm and again 3 ranks deep. Still looks okay. Again the same thing can be done for a unit that fires by Platoon.
These two photos are 40mm x 20mm. Obviously only 2 ranks can fit onto a base but the mass feel is still there.
So my question to you all is "what seems like a good choice?" Do you have any suggestions. Do you have any experience with the rule systems listed and have some advice on how to make it work better?
As always thanks for stopping by and reading about my adventures in gaming.