So after posting this on TMP it has come to my attention from several people on there that my Roman army is outfitted more as a Early Imperial Roman Army than Republican Roman do to the lack of feathers on the helmets and the more squared shields than oval ones. Guess I will have to reevaluate what I'm going to do here.
As with many of us, while working on one project you are looking forward to the next one. Well I think this is going to be my next BIG project. I bought these 10mm Romans to game the era surrounding the Punic Wars.
I am looking at using Piquet's Archon or Pulse of Battle for my rule set. I've been doing some reading on the Romans for this time period to get better acquainted with their history and army setup. Now I'm trying to figure out exactly how, what I have will fit into the basing scheme for the above rule sets which uses 4 bases to a unit and how that matches what they did for real.
The pictures show the units in three bases, doubled ranked on a single base, which I like. Except for the cavalry and the skirmishes which are in single ranks. It gives a nice deep, full looking base. The bases are 40mm x 20mm.
So there are 3 units of Hastati, 2 units of Principes and 1 unit of Triarii. 2 units of Bow man. 2 units of heavy cavalry and 1 unit of light cavalry. Also 1 unit of skirmishers.
So my question for all you Ancient Roman experts out there is how would you fill out what's here?