Saturday, March 30, 2019

Part 1 of Pegaso Models 200mm Pirate Bust

I spent some time this past week while we were away on our Spring Break holiday painting the flesh tones on Pegaso Models 200mm Pirate Bust.

I used all oil paints on this piece.  I primed the model using Black, Grey and then White for a Zenithal priming effect.

Here are some photos of the process and the palette colors I used.
The palette- Naples Yellow Hue, Cad. Yellow Medium, Cad. Orange, Alzarin Crimson, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue, Titanium White

The primed head.

The first layer of color. I ended up not liking the hair color and switched to a Pale Blonde color instead.

Shadows and Highlights added as very thin layers over several days to build up the color.

Starting work on the eyes.

The pale blonde hair looks better.

The face and hair are completed. Just needed to add in the pupils.

I hope you liked this. You can jump over to my YouTube channel and see it with a little better definition.