Thursday, August 23, 2018

28mm Renaissance Pikemen completed

Yesterday I finished painting some 28mm Renaissance figures for one of the guys in our group.  Don't tell him though, it's a surprise. They are Warlord metal figures from their Italian Wars range.  I painted them all with Artist Acrylics, no hobby paint at all.  The idea to do that came from a conversation I had with someone who stated, "You can't paint figures without using hobby paint. The colors won't be right."  Well I did it anyway. :)  I think the colors are right.

I primed them with black and then did an overspray of white.

Work in progress photos. First layers of color applied.

The completed figures. I have not added a flag to the unit, that will be left to my friend to decide what he wants the unit to represent. 


  1. At one time, the bulk of my figures were painted with Liquitex artist's acrylics. Now days I use inesxpensive craft paint, my favorite being deltaceramcoat. I have only a very few hobby paints, mostly Vallejo acrylic metalics.
