Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Battle of Dvinsk April 5th, 1915

My group and I played another WWI scenario using Too Fat Lardies' "Through the Mud and Blood" rule set.  I took the basis of the scenario from the Lardies' supplement "Stout Hearts and Iron Troopers" scenario 8 "Race to the Sea".  Instead of a battle between the Brits and Germans, I placed the battle in Russia in 1915.  I changed some of the victory conditions giving the Germans the need to protect the bridge in the middle of town and Russians the job of blowing it up to slow up the German advance.  The premise of the scenario detailed both sides starting on the table edge and moving to their objectives but the forces are spread out off board and would come in piece meal starting with Turn 2 and the flip of Allied or Central Powers turn card.  Each flip of one of those cards allowed a new squad to enter the board at one of the roads leading into town.  Here's a picture of the terrain before the game started.
The first picture shows the table from the Russian side of entry.  The second is the table lengthwise with the bridge in the middle of the table.
Both sides rolled randomly for their entry road each time a force entered and there was the possibility of 6 entry spaces for each side. (If I had a good photo editing software, I would have marked them).
The first turn witnessed the Russians moving up the road to the bridge very quickly and the Germans being held off where they started with the turn of snifter card.
The second turn witnessed the German blinds card coming up first and then the German turn card for their second set of reinforcements arrived in the same place for both blinds.  Out of the blinds you see two are dummies.
The third turn the German turn card arrived first and a third set of forces entered along the same road and then the German blinds card arrive and the Germans seized the day and started to move.  3 of the 6 blinds are dummies.  This same turn the Russians were able to bring on their second set of reinforcements.
They too seized the opportunity and moved out to cover the bridge.  There are four blinds on the table, one of them is out of the picture at the bottom of the screen.  2 out of the 4 are dummies as well.
A really good spotting roll by the Germans revealed a Russian squad moving up the road.  The two dice next to the unit are its action dice.  At this point the snifter card came up quickly for two turns and no real movement happened.  The sides used their dice to attempt to spot each other with little success.  This was about to change.
The Russians find a German squad strung out along the road.  The Germans repay this by finding another Russian unit by the bridge.
The Russians dig in to hold the bridge long enough to get their engineers in place to blow up the bridge. The Germans continue to advance and more Russians arrive on the board.
Another German unit becomes revealed and takes cover around the house and barn.  In the distance you can see two more German blinds moving to out flank the Russians.
The Russians draw first blood by killing two stands and causing two shock points.
The Russians continue to march forward. The tables are about to turn in favor of the Germans.
The Germans are spotted in the woods across the river and they brought with them a HMG!  Its about to get bloody.
That Russian unit in the house was next to the bridge but determined fire by the Germans forces the Russians to retreat when the lose their Bottle and fall back.  The two dice in the middle of the unit are the number of shock points on the squad (11).
The Russians reveal another squad.  In the back of the squad are the four engineers tasked with blowing the bridge.
Another Russian blind comes up to draw German fire to take the heat off the squad with the engineers. The die next to the squad leader reveals 5 shock points causing the squad lots of headaches in trying to move into position.
Now you see the blind, now you see the troops in the trees.  The murderous HMG fire caused enough shock points and kills to make it fall back.  The squad at the base of the bridge now has 11 points of shock effectively pinning it in place.
At this point the Russian commander called the game due to the inability to remove enough shock points from his troops to be effective.  This battle decidedly went to the Germans with the Russians retreating licking their wounds.
Overall this was a good scenario and collectively as a group we had decided that the Russian commander should have moved over the bridge with his first unit to help stem the flow of the Germans giving the Russians time to bring up the reinforcements.


  1. Hi.
    I assume they are 15mm figures?

  2. Yes, they are 15mm figures. They are a mix of Minifig and Blue Moon.
